a happy bunch, thats what we are.
YESSS. i have managed to resize tocks damned 1.4mb photos.
since she is sunning herself at the kelong
i'll do the honours of uploading these.
oh how the beach beckons.

hun: oh where oh where has my papa gone? i miss you so. anyhow, i hope you're not becoming a stick on a diet of greens. love and condolences from this sunny and better smelling environment without vegetarian constraints.
mel: when are you coming back my long lost girl? do tell asap. the red carpet awaits!
on a more solemn note, a random thought, an excerpt from the book i'm reading, the other side of the story by Marian Keyes.
"Little by little my vision darkened until all i saw was the bloodiness of human beings and our woeful flaws. We ruin everything we touch. What is so wrong with us that we rush into situations to which we are manifestly unsuited, which will hurt us and hurt others? Why are we given emotions which we cannot control and which move in exact contradiction to what we really want? We are walking conflicts, internal battles on legs and if human beings were cars, we would return them for being faulty. Why do we have such a finite capacity for pleasure but an infinte one for pain? We're a cosmic joke, i decided. A cosmic experiment which had gone wrong."
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